Saturday, November 6, 2010

Buzz lightyear and I

Halloween was awsome this year. I got to meet and play with Buzz Lightyear. He is pretty fast, he was hard to keep up with but we had fun.
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Dad and I before a swim

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Opps. it's been a while

It has been forever since we have written. I am almost fully grown at 15 months now. Mom thinks I am finally growing into my ears too and that I am looking less like a bat in flight everyday. I still act just like a puppy though and need supervision when I am near the toliet paper. Mom says no more decorating of the house. This summer I went swimming fo the first time on my own. I jumped into the lake and it was deep, way over my head but I was safe my Mom and Dad were right there with me cheering me on. This fall my dad bulit a new 6ft cedar fence in the backyard and I love playing in the yard with my friends and toys.
Recently, I went to a Halloween costume party as a ladybug with Tyler he was a moth. We were pretty cute pair and we got free frisbee's and treats. I like treats!! That's all for now, mom will try to rememeber to post more often.
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